In October 2016 Save the Asian Elephant (STAE) was invited to present to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Endangered Species. STAE CEO Duncan McNair informed Members about the threats to wild Asian elephants, in particular illegal capture for the tourist and temple trades, and the horrors faced by captive elephants.
Mr McNair highlighted the overwhelming public opinion for action and the recent joint statement between the UK and Indian Prime Ministers resolving to work together to protect Asian elephants (Joint Statement).
Following the visit to the UK of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in November 2015, the UK and Indian Prime Ministers released a Joint Statement setting out the opportunities and challenges for the two countries to work together. The Group was pleased the Joint Statement included a resolution by the Prime Ministers to work together to improve protection for both captive and wild Asian elephants.
The Group is confident that the work of STAE will further help to bring political attention to this treatment of Asian Elephants and pressure for the Government to take action on its election promise to ‘support the Indian Government in its efforts to protect the Asian elephant’. STAE looks forward to working further with the APPG.